Friday, September 2, 2011

J!NX Loot September certificate giveaway!

Contest Details:

1. Be Subscribed to TheTombatal on YouTube and/or follow me on my website:

2. You have to 'Like J!NX on your FaceBook, or sign-up for the J!NX newsletter.
a. Facebook:
b. Newsletter:

3. Post a comment on this video on YouTube and/or in the comments selection below. That's it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Restructuring the website.

Hey guys. Pretty much to to be frank and short, I've decided to stop posting videos individually on the blog because it creates lots of clutter and it creates more work for me. For example: If you wanted to see one of my reviews, it would be difficult to find among 10 let's play embedded videos. So, from now on I'm going to post on my twitter for each uploaded video and you can find the playlist to all my YouTube videos and Let's Plays to the right. In other words, just subscribe to my channel or to twitter and you'll get quickly updated when one of my videos goes up. Thanks and hope you enjoy.